Mounting arrangements of fittings for pressure gauges
In many applications within the process industries, measuring instruments are exposed to critical operating conditions. To be able to resist, for example, strong pressure surges or extreme temperatures, depending on the application.such as over pressure protection devices, shut-off valves or syphons, to pressure gauges. Added value through accessories The combination of pressure gauges with matched additional fittings enables the protection and the extension of the function of the entire measuring unit.
Shut off valves
Shut-off valves for pressure measuring instruments are designed for the fluid and gaseous media. They are employed
when testing or exchanging pressure measuring instruments during operation periods
Snubbers for pressure measuring instruments are intended to suppress the effect of pressure surges and pressure pulses of the medium The snubber is adjustable (modification of the cross sectional flow) and can thus be adapted individually to the respective operating conditions. A readjustment during operation, if required, is possible at any time.
The pulsations and pressure surges in the medium, occurring e.g. in compressors, steam engines, hydraulic presses,
tensile testing machines etc., are largely compensated by this snubber. This considerably increases the service life of
the pressure measuring instrument and improves the reading accuracy
overpressure protector
The overpressure protector consists of a spring loaded piston valve. Under normal pressure conditions the spring holds
the valve open. When the system pressure exceeds the set pressure, the force exerted by the spring is overcome and the
valve closes. The valve will remain closed until the system pressure drops approx. 25 % below the closing pressure,
where-upon the force of the spring will open the valve
For the installation of pressure measuring instruments, gauge cocks, shut-off valves, pressure gauge syphons, snubbers and other component accessories.
Syphons per DIN 16282 U-form, form B, and trumpet form, form D, have a welding connection for the pressure tapping
on the process side and a threaded connection on the instrument side. In the industrial standard versions, threaded connections are also available for the pressure tapping on the process side. U-form syphons are intended for horizontal pressure tapping; trumpet-form syphons are intended for vertical pressure tapping. Inside the syphon, condensate is collected, which prevents the ingress of hot media into the measuring instrument. We recommend filling the syphon with a cooling separating liquid before commissioning the pressure line
valve manifold
3-valve manifold, models
The 3-valve manifold consists of two shut-off valves and one pressure compensating valve. The shut-off valves separate
the process from the differential pressure measuring instrument. The pressure compensating valve enables the compensation between +ve side and -ve side to avoid one-sided over pressure during commissioning and operation.
5-valve manifold, models
Compared to the 3-valve manifold, the 5-valve manifold is equipped with two additional vent valves. One vent valve per pressure side allows operators the targeted venting of one or both pressure sides of the measuring arrangement.
Through the non-rotating spindle tip, the wear of the sealing elements is reduced. This results, particularly with frequent
opening and closing, in a noticeable increase in the service life.
To know more about Manifold valves
For connections to the process using connection flanges, the monoflange enables an optimal and compact measuring
point assembly. In addition, stress from vibration, potential leak points as well as installation and maintenance costs are reduced. The monoflange is mounted directly onto the axial flange (radial flange on request), allowing the gauge to be kept in an upright position. The monoflange includes a block valve, a bleed valve and a vent hole.