How to use Siemens TIA Portal to create PLC Ladder Logic for three phase motor Forward and Reverse

In an industry most of the application is run by three phase induction Motor. In few applications the same motor is used to run forward as well as reverse. The forwarding and reversing of the induction motor are reverse by TPST switch. If any two phases of the induction motor reversed the motor will run in reverse direction.
The circuit Schematic of Forward and reverse of Induction motor is shown below

Three phase Induction motor forward and reverse Connection
Full PLC Ladder diagram using Siemens TIA Portal V16

Declaration of Input and Output for each PLC block
S. No | Operation | Input/Output/Others | Address of Each Block |
1 | Forward Button | Input | %M0.1 |
2 | Forward Latch Coil (For continue “ON”) | Latch(Associated Coil, Not Operative) | %M0.1 |
3 | Dummy Coil_01(To Start the Timer) | Output | %Q0.0 |
4 | Dummy Latch Coil_02(For continue “ON”) | Latch(Associated Coil, Not Operative) | %Q0.0 |
5 | Timer_0 (Forward Timer) | Timer | %DB1 |
6 | Timer_0.Q | Time relay | Not Specific |
7 | Forward motor | Output | %Q0.1 |
8 | Reverse Button | Input | %M0.2 |
9 | Reverse Latch Coil (For continue “ON”) | Latch(Associated Coil, Not Operative) | %M0.2 |
10 | Dummy Coil_02(To Start the Timer) | Output | %Q0.2 |
11 | Dummy Latch Coil_02(For continue “ON”) | Latch(Associated Coil, Not Operative) | %Q0.2 |
12 | Timer _1 (Reverse Timer) | Timer | %DB2 |
13 | Timer_1.Q | Time relay | Not Specific |
14 | Reverse Motor | Output | %Q0.3 |
15 | Stop (Common for both Forward & Reverse) | Input | %M0.0 |
Various phases of working of ladder logic
The PLC Program is written in Siemen’s software using TIA Portal V16. As per the above statement, the PLC program have four sections
Start and Stop Button for forward motoring

Forward Timer
Once “Dummy_coil_01” gets energized the forward timer (timer is set for 5 sec) counts up to 5 sec, the coil “Timer_0.Q” associated with timer enable the forward motoring coil, which in turn run the induction motor in forward direction.

Start and Stop Button for reverse motoring:

Reverse Timer
Once “Dummy_coil_02” gets energized the reverse timer (timer is set for 5 sec) counts up to 5 sec, the coil “Timer_1.Q” associated with timer enable the reverse motoring coil, which in turn run the induction motor in reverse direction.

How to program ladder logic using SIEMENS TIA portal (Simulation) are as follows
- Once installed the Siemens TIA Portal V16. Open TIA V16 Portal icon. The below window will open

2. After the window open click on Create new Project and type your Project name.(Note: if you want to change the destination directory change the directory in Path)

3. Next the below window will open click Open the Project view

4. Once the Project view clicked the below window will open. Now double click on Add new device

5. The below window will open. Under this select the Controller

6. Select the CPU 1214C DC/DC/DCà6ES7214-1AG40-0XB0 and press ok

(Note : Since the program is going to run in simulator a standard feature was selected. If the hardware connected to the computer based on configuration of the PLC choose the corresponding controller)
7. Once the controller was selected a new window will open as shown in below figure
(Note: The below window is for Hardware selection, for simulation purpose we can skip this step)

8. Select the Program blocks on the left-hand side tree view.

9. Under Program block Select Main(OB1) and double click

10. Using proper PLC ladder block, construct the PLC Ladder Diagram

(Note: Please refer the Full PLC Ladder diagram section given above)
11. Click the simulation icon which shown is in previous diagram. The below window will open

13. The below window indicate the PLC ladder is ready for run. Press Load

Simulation screenshots of each phase
- Initial stage of ladder Simulation

4. Timer 0 runs up to 5 sec and closes the Timer 0 coil. Now forward Motoring coil Closed

6. Forward Coil Stopped

8. Reverse Timer Starts to run up to 5 sec and Closes the Reverse Coil

9. Similarly Press the stop to stop the reverse Coil

10. Finally the reverse Coil “OFF”

By doing above exercise we were able to successfully develop PLC ladder logic and we also carried out simulation testing of the ladder logic.