DP calculator for bubbler method Interface level measurement – Transmitter installed with Constant Tank Level and single Bubble Tube

URV = Upper-range value (a measurement with a 20 mA output).
SG = A liquid’s specific gravity (relative density). Water has a specific gravity of 1.00 in both traditional and SI systems.
HW= Equivalent Headlevel pressure of Water
SG1 = Specific gravity of upper liquid (lighter liquid)
SG2 = Specific gravity of lower Liquid (Heavier liquid)
H = Height of the bubble tube immersed inside the process liquid
H1 = Interface level need to be measured.(head between LRV and URV)
H2 = Head level below minimum interface level
Formula for Span value calculation
Span value of the transmitter = (H1)*(SG2 – SG1)
Formula for LRV estimation
Equivalent Head level pressure of Water(HW) at Lower range value
HW at LRV = (H1*SG1) + (H2*SG2) = Suppression
Formula for URV estimation
Equivalent Head level pressure of Water(HW) at Higher range value
Hw at URV = (H1 +H2)*SG2
DP calculator
This below calculator used to calculate the Span value, LRV and URV of the transmitter for calibration in interface level measurement
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