
Welding Quality control check

The Quality Assurance Plan should include a list of all required welding inspections and identify the responsible party for each task. The Contractor (the Manufacturer or the Erector), the Special Inspector, the Welding Inspector, or the Nondestructive Testing Technician may provide inspections.

Depending on the severity of loading (Seismic Weld Demand Categories) on a weld and the consequences of adverse welded joint performance (Seismic Weld Consequence Categories), quality control and quality assurance tasks are recommended.

Here we provided a checklist for prefabrication inspection for welding:

Welding Quality Control Task:

The Contractor’s QC program for welding should, as a minimum, include:

  • Welders must be qualified for the work in accordance with AWS D1.1
  • Welding staff should be aware of the use of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs), basic manufacturing provisions, and the use of welding gages and temperature measuring devices such as crayon temperature.
  • Appropriate WPSs must be provided to perform all welding and must be available at the workplace for welding staff.
  • Welding equipment must function properly and be adequate and calibrated for accuracy over the past year.
  • Welding material storage equipment such as rod ovens and flux ovens, if required by the process, filler metal or flux, must be available and functional.
  • Welding inspectors must be qualified in accordance with AWS D1.1
  • If not provided by the QC staff of the Contractor, the Contractor must be available on an as-needed basis outside NDT services


Instrumentation Engineer

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