PLC program for a batch process

Hey guys in this session we are gonna discuss about a PLC program for a batch process.In my earlier posts i mentioned the basics of PLC so you can check that out by clicking the link below
so lets discuss about the program
Automatically injects the container with liquids A and B in order when START is pressed. When it reaches the set level, mix the two liquids evenly and then open the valve to let the mixture out.
Number of PLC Outputs Required
PLC program
PLC Ladder Program Description:
- X0 = ON when START is pressed. Y0 will be ON and latched, and the valve will open to infuse liquid A until the level reaches the low level float sensor.
- X1 = ON when the level reaches the low level float sensor. Y1 will be ON and latched, and the valve will open to infuse liquid B until the level reaches the high level float sensor.
- X2 = ON when the level reaches the high level float sensor. Y3 will be on and activate the agitator. In addition, timer T0 will start counting for 60 seconds. After 60 seconds, T0 will be ON, and the Y3 agitator motor will stop working. Y2 will be ON and latched, and the mixture will drain out of the container.
- When Y2 = ON, timer T1 will start counting for 120 seconds. After 120 seconds, T1 will be on and Y2 will be off. The draining process will stop.
- When an error occurs, press the EMERGENCY STOP button X10. The NC X10 contact will be ON to deactivate all outputs. The system will then stop working.
You can do practice this logic diagram in one of free plc simulator software found in the internet the link is given below