Instrumentation Calculators

Displacer type interface level transmitter dry calibration weight calculator

The Displacer interface level transmitter dry calibration weight calculator is a valuable tool used in industrial settings for the calibration of displacer interface level transmitters without the need for process liquid.

Displacer type interface level transmitter dry calibration weight calculator 1
  • The Displacer type interface level transmitter dry calibration weight calculator is significant as it ensures accurate calibration of the transmitter, leading to reliable interface level measurements. 
  • It saves time and reduces costs by providing precise weight values for calibration, eliminating trial and error. 
  • Proper calibration maintains consistency and reliability, optimizing industrial processes and ensuring safety and environmental compliance.
  • Proper calibration using the weight calculator ensures consistency and reliability of the interface level transmitter over time.

Formula for the calculation

Formula for the volume of the displacer 

Volume of the displacer   V = πr2h


r = Radius of the displacer.

h = Length of the displacer.

D = Diameter of the displacer 

Formula for calculating the displacer weight loss due to process liquid

Displacer weight loss due to process liquid =Volume of the displacer X Specific gravity of the process liquid

Formula for zero apparent weight calibration 

Weight for zero calibration = Displacer Actual Weight(W) – (Displacer Actual Volume X specific gravity of the Lsg liquid)


Lsg = Specific gravity lighter process liquid

W = Actual weight of the displacer 

Formula for span apparent weight calibration 

Weight for Span calibration = Displacer Actual Weight(W) – (Displacer Actual Volume X specific gravity of the Hsg liquid)


Hsg = Specific gravity heavier process liquid

  W = Actual weight of the displacer 

Example calculation

Displacer and process liquid characteristics:

W = Displacer weight is 2400 Gram

D = Displacer diameter is 7.0 Centimeter 

H = Length of Displacer is 32.42 Centimeter 

Lsg = Specific gravity of lighter process liquid is 0.7

Hsg = Specific gravity of Heavier process liquid is 1.0

V = Volume of displacer.


Radius of the displacer r = 7.0/2 = 3.5 centimeters

Displacer Actual volume V = πr2h

Volume V = 3.14 × r² × h 

      = 3.14 × 3.5 × 3.5 × 32.42 = 1247.04 cubic centimeter

Zero calibration weight value calculation (0%)

Displacer weight loss due to lighter process liquid = Displacer Actual Volume X Specific gravity of the Lsg liquid

Weight for zero calibration = Displacer Actual Weight (W) – (Displacer Actual Volume X Specific gravity of the Lsg liquid

Weight for zero calibration = 2400 – (1247 X 0.7)

    = 2400 – 872.9

Weight for zero calibration =1527.1 grams

Span calibration weight value calculation (100%)

Displacer weight loss due to heavier process liquid = Displacer Actual Volume X Specific gravity of the Hsg liquid

Weight for Span calibration = Displacer Actual Weight (W) – (Displacer Actual Volume X specific gravity of the Hsg liquid)

Weight for Span calibration = 2400 – (1247 X 1.0)

    = 2400 – 1247

Weight for Span calibration =1153 grams

Weight for each 25% calibration check of linearity

Actual span weight is calculated by subtracting the weight lost by the displacer due to the heavier process liquid (Hsg) and the lighter specific gravity liquid (Lsg).

Actual span weight = 1247 – 872.9

Actual span weight = 374.1

For each 25% = Actual span weight/4

   = 374.1/4

For each 25% = 93.525 grams

Displacer type interface level transmitter dry calibration weight calculator 

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Sundareswaran Iyalunaidu

With over 24 years of dedicated experience, I am a seasoned professional specializing in the commissioning, maintenance, and installation of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control systems. My expertise extends across a spectrum of industries, including Power stations, Oil and Gas, Aluminium, Utilities, Steel and Continuous process industries. Tweet me @sundareshinfohe

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