Instrumentation Questions

Proximity Switch – MCQ1

We will discuss proximity switch questions and answers in this post, along with information on installation, troubleshooting, and operating principles. Whether you’re an engineer, technician, or someone who is just curious about this technology, the questions and answers in this section will give you helpful information on proximity switches and their uses.

Proximity Switch – MCQ1

We will discuss proximity switch questions and answers in this post, along with information on installation, troubleshooting, and operating principles. Whether you’re an engineer, technician, or someone who is just curious about this technology, the questions and answers in this section will give you helpful information on proximity switches and their uses.

1 / 24

Which of the following is NOT a factor that influences a proximity switch’s sensing range?

2 / 24

Which of the following describes a proximity switch type?

3 / 24

What is the benefit of employing a magnetic proximity switch?

4 / 24

Which of the following is not a benefit of utilizing an optical proximity switch?

5 / 24

What is a proximity switch’s sensing range?

6 / 24

Which of the following should you take into account when choosing a proximity switch for your application?

7 / 24

Which of the following describes a use for an ultrasonic proximity switch?

8 / 24

Which of the following is a benefit of utilizing a photoelectric proximity switch?

9 / 24

What is the function of a proximity switch?

10 / 24

Which of the following modes of operation does a photoelectric proximity switch utilize?

11 / 24

Which of the following operating theories governs an inductive proximity switch?

12 / 24

Which of the following describes how a capacitive proximity switch works?

13 / 24

What is the drawback of employing a capacitive proximity switch?


14 / 24

Which of the following factors may have an impact on a capacitive proximity switch’s accuracy?

15 / 24

Which of the following is a capacitive proximity switch application?

16 / 24


What is the correct definition of a diffuse-reflective photoelectric proximity switch?


17 / 24

Which of the following is a benefit of utilizing a photoelectric proximity switch?

18 / 24

Which of the following influences how accurate a proximity switch is?

19 / 24

In which of the following situations would an ultrasonic proximity switch be used?

20 / 24

What benefit does employing an inductive proximity switch provide?

21 / 24

Which of the following is a drawback of employing a capacitive proximity switch?

22 / 24

What is the correct description of a normally closed (NC) proximity switch?

23 / 24

What is the correct description of a normally open (NO) proximity switch?

24 / 24


Which of the following is a capacitive proximity switch application?

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The average score is 46%



Sundareswaran Iyalunaidu

With over 24 years of dedicated experience, I am a seasoned professional specializing in the commissioning, maintenance, and installation of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control systems. My expertise extends across a spectrum of industries, including Power stations, Oil and Gas, Aluminium, Utilities, Steel and Continuous process industries. Tweet me @sundareshinfohe

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