Comprehensive PLC Panel Installation and Commissioning Checklist (Downloadable)

  • A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) panel’s installation and commissioning are essential steps in ensuring the effective and safe running of industrial processes. 
  • A properly conducted checklist is essential for making sure the PLC panel performs exactly as intended. 
  • This checklist includes system configuration, visual inspections, electrical checks, power connections, signal wiring, and functional testing. It also covers various components of the installation and commissioning process.

Overall System Configuration Checks:

Before proceeding with the installation, a thorough assessment of the overall system configuration should be performed. This includes:

  • Verification of the correct PLC model and firmware version.
  • Checking that all required components are present and correctly specified.
  • Ensuring that the system layout aligns with the design specifications.

Visual Inspection Checks:

Visual inspection is crucial for identifying any physical issues or discrepancies that might affect the PLC panel’s performance. This includes:

  • Examining the PLC panel for physical damage or signs of wear.
  • Inspecting cable connections for loose or damaged wires.
  • Checking for proper labeling of components and wires.

Electrical Checks:

The electrical checks are essential to guarantee the safety and reliability of the PLC panel. This involves:

  • Verifying that all electrical connections are secure and properly terminated.
  • Ensuring that there are no exposed wires or potential electrical hazards.
  • Confirming that grounding and bonding requirements are met.

Power Connection Checks:

Proper power connections are fundamental for the PLC panel’s operation. These checks include:

  • Confirming that the power supply connections are correctly wired.
  • Checking for any loose connections that could lead to voltage drop or interruptions.
  • Ensuring that the power supply voltage is within the specified range.

System Power Up (230V AC):

Verification of the 230 V AC power supply is a critical step. This involves:

  • Ensuring that the PLC panel is receiving the required 230 V AC power.
  • Checking for fluctuations or interruptions in the power supply.
  • Verifying that the power supply conforms to safety standards.

Field Output Power Up (24V DC):

Field output power is essential for the operation of connected devices. Checks include:

  • Confirming that the 24V DC power supply to field devices is functioning correctly.
  • Ensuring that the voltage remains stable under load conditions.
  • Verifying compliance with voltage and current ratings.

Power Consumption:

Monitoring power consumption is vital for energy efficiency and system reliability. This includes:

  • Measuring and documenting the PLC panel’s power consumption.
  • Comparing the actual consumption with design specifications.
  • Identifying any anomalies or excessive power draw.

Signal Wiring Checks:

Signal wiring plays a crucial role in communication between the PLC and field devices. These checks include:

  • Inspecting signal wiring for correct connections and terminations.
  • Verifying that cable routing is organized and protected against interference.
  • Ensuring that signal cables are properly shielded and grounded.

System Configuration Checks:

The system configuration must align with the intended logic and functionality. This involves:

  • Confirming that the PLC is programmed with the correct logic and parameters.
  • Checking that input and output assignments match the control strategy.
  • Verifying that communication settings are configured accurately.

Loop Checks:

Loop checks are essential for ensuring that control loops function as intended. This includes:

  • Testing the response of control loops to various input scenarios.
  • Verifying that feedback and control signals are within acceptable ranges.
  • Identifying and addressing any issues with control loop performance.

Analog Inputs:

Analog input signals often control critical processes. These checks involve:

  • Calibrating and testing analog input channels for accuracy.
  • Verifying that analog sensors and transmitters are functioning correctly.
  • Ensuring that analog signals are within specified ranges.

Digital Inputs:

Digital input signals are fundamental for discrete control. Checks include:

  • Testing digital input devices for proper operation and response to changes in state.
  • Verifying that digital input signals are correctly interpreted by the PLC.
  • Identifying and addressing any issues with digital input devices.

Digital Outputs:

Digital output signals control various actuators and devices. These checks involve:

  • Confirming that digital output signals correctly activate connected devices.
  • Verifying that the PLC output modules are functioning as intended.
  • Ensuring that digital output signals adhere to safety and control requirements.

Application Program Checks:

The application program is the heart of the PLC system. These checks include:

  • Testing the PLC application program to ensure it performs its intended logic and control functions.
  • Simulating various operating scenarios to validate program logic.
  • Addressing any programming errors or logic issues.

Field I/O Normal:

Ensuring the normal operation of field I/O devices is essential. These checks involve:

  • Verifying that field I/O devices are responding to control signals correctly.
  • Testing the reliability of sensors, actuators, and other field devices.
  • Addressing any issues with field I/O devices promptly.

Logic Test:

Logic testing is critical for validating the PLC’s control logic. This includes:

  • Performing logic tests to confirm that the PLC executes control logic correctly.
  • Simulating various fault scenarios to assess the PLC’s response.
  • Verifying that interlocks and safety logic are functioning as designed.

Redundancy Checks:

If redundancy is a part of the system design, these checks include:

  • Ensuring that redundant components are synchronized and operating seamlessly.
  • Testing the failover mechanism to confirm uninterrupted operation during a component failure.
  • Verifying that redundancy meets system availability and reliability goals.

Spare Capacity Checks:

Assessing spare capacity is essential for accommodating future expansions or modifications. This involves:

  • Identifying available spare I/O points, memory, and processing capacity.
  • Documenting spare capacity for future reference and planning.
  • Ensuring that spare capacity aligns with anticipated system growth.

System Shutdown / Reboot Functionality Checks:

Testing the system’s ability to gracefully shut down and reboot is crucial. This includes:

  • Verifying that the PLC panel can be safely and efficiently shut down.
  • Testing the reboot process to ensure a smooth return to operation.
  • Confirming that emergency shutdown procedures are in place and functional.

Check Test Certificates:

Lastly, it is essential to verify that all required test certificates and documentation are in order. These checks include:

  • Confirming that all necessary certifications and approvals are up to date.
  • Ensuring that documentation, including user manuals and as-built drawings, is accurate and readily accessible.
  • Archiving test certificates and documentation for compliance and future reference.


  • A comprehensive PLC panel installation and commissioning checklist is indispensable for ensuring the successful deployment of industrial control systems. 
  • By meticulously addressing each of these points, operators can minimize the risk of errors, improve system reliability, and enhance safety in industrial environments. 
  • Moreover, adherence to this checklist promotes efficient troubleshooting and maintenance, facilitating the long-term operation of PLC panels in industrial settings.

Checklist for download

Comprehensive PLC Panel Installation and Commissioning Checklist (Downloadable)

For more Engineering documentation templates – click on Downloadable Engineering Documentation Instrumentation and Control Templates

For more Instrumentation calibration templates – click on Downloadable Instrumentation Calibration Report Preparation Templates

Sundareswaran Iyalunaidu

With over 24 years of dedicated experience, I am a seasoned professional specializing in the commissioning, maintenance, and installation of Electrical, Instrumentation and Control systems. My expertise extends across a spectrum of industries, including Power stations, Oil and Gas, Aluminium, Utilities, Steel and Continuous process industries. Tweet me @sundareshinfohe

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